beat - up car造句

"beat - up car"是什么意思   


  1. Nearby, teens in their grunge look congregate around a beat-up car.
  2. Instead customers come on foot, in beat-up cars and wobbly bicycles.
  3. Hovering helicopters and beat-up cars with undercover police officers riding around Brooklyn never went into action.
  4. She already has made long trips in a beat-up car to pick up insulin for her favorite student.
  5. Present him with a crummy, beat-up car, or a one-way boat ticket to the South Pole.
  6. It's difficult to find beat - up car in a sentence. 用beat - up car造句挺难的
  7. On a blue alarm clock that Andre keeps in the front of his beat-up car it was 12 o'clock.
  8. There he buys a cheap beat-up car to travel to Chicago by road, but it breaks down just outside Pennsylvania.
  9. It has been compared to looking under the hood of a beat-up car on a dark road with only a dim flashlight.
  10. The warriors scavenge beat-up cars, makeshift pontoons and so on from the scrapheap; there is even an appearance by a surfboard.
  11. With a beat-up car and no money to even board up their house, they probably couldn't have gotten there anyway.
  12. "I was like an old beat-up car, " says one inmate as he tries to draw his self-portrait.
  13. Not to mention that we're simply mortified that our boring, beat-up cars won't pass muster with these auto aficionados.
  14. The same prejudice applies to bands with drawly lead singers, cranky guitars and songs about trailer fires, beat-up cars and small-town losers.
  15. So, does that make him a vulture getting top dollar for old, beat-up cars by preying on those who have nowhere else to turn?
  16. She and Mooney, cruising through town in a beat-up car, are like a maritime Thelma and Louise, all fired up with nowhere to go.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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